Neighborhood Associations
Among Rocky Mount's greatest treasures are its neighborhoods. The City's neighborhoods are the lifeblood of our larger community. No matter their size, location, or other demographics, Rocky Mount's neighborhoods create a sense of community for their residents. These neighborhoods are home to lifelong friends and newcomers alike, and they all seek to welcome new residents and visitors.
Many of Rocky Mount's neighborhoods are organized in the form of neighborhood associations. Residents meet regularly to discuss concerns and face challenges that are common to most neighborhoods, such as transportation, neighborhood beautification, crime, zoning, recreation, housing, lead abatement, problem landlords, street lighting, health care, and special concerns for youth and senior citizens.
The presidents of the neighborhood associations take these concerns to city staff, as they meet regularly with representatives from the City Manager's Office and the Human Relations Department. During these meetings, the presidents voice concerns from their neighborhoods and receive helpful information about city services. The neighborhood presidents then share the information they learn with their membership.
On this page are brochures for each neighborhood association engaged with the City. Each brochure includes information about the amenities of the neighborhood, the place and time of the organization's meetings, the officers for the neighborhood association, and a contact person for questions and/or to join the group.