Public Education Survey

Public Education Survey

Exceptional public education is a priority of the Rocky Mount Fire Department. Please take a moment to complete our Public Education Survey so we can continue to improve and serve you better. We appreciate your time.

Did you attend the event for yourself or were you a chaperone for younger attendees?
Primary Audience
Number of adults attending:
Number of children attending:
What was the event about?
Location of event (address):
Date of event:
How much do you agree with the following statements about fire department personnel?
1. They were courteous and respectful
2. They were knowledgeable and acted in a professional manner
3. They presented information clearly and answered all questions
4. Visuals and/or demonstrations that were easy to understand and appropriate to the topic
5. The intended audience learned a lot from the presentation
Overall, how would you rate the service provided by fire department personnel?
Additional comments/suggestions:
Your name:
Your address:
Your phone number:
Your email:
Check here if you would like to be contacted by the Fire Department.

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