New Services
The Business and Collections Services staff wants to help make your move to Rocky Mount as smooth as possible. However, not all areas of the community have all of our services. We can help you determine the services available at the location where you are moving. All utility information is considered private information in accordance with G.S. 132-1.1 and privacy act. Utility information will not be released without written consent of the account holder.
If approved for a Certificate of Occupancy (CO) or Temporary Utility Agreement (TUA), please report to the Business Services Center located at 224 S. Franklin St., Rocky Mount, NC 27802. You may also contact the Business Hub Representative at 252-972-1310 or via email at When you arrive at our office, you may sign in and select "Business Hub" to speak with the Business Representative. Please be prepared with the following documentation:
Government Issued Identification
Federal Tax ID Number on Letterhead or W-9 for New Business
$75.00 payment for Certificate of Occupancy
Deposit (to be determined by Business Representative)
We offer three options for payment of commercial deposits: cash, irrevocable letter of credit, or surety bond. After all fees and deposits have been collected, the Business Representative will issue the CO or TUA.
Please note the expiration date on TUA when completing projects or renovations required to comply with local and state laws. In the event additional time is needed, please contact the Business Representative within 5 to 7 business days prior to expiration date to request an extension if needed. If no additional time is needed and you are ready for CO, contact the Business Hub for the completion of your application for utility services.
Deceased Customers
It is unlawful to retain or maintain a utility account in the name of a deceased person. If an account is determined to still have active services in a deceased customer's name, the City will send a notice of disconnection to the service address. The account must be closed and a new account opened in the name of the responsible party (i.e., the surviving spouse or family member, an estate or trust, etc.). In addition to the items listed above, you may be asked to provide copies of:
A deposit may still be required. Please speak with a customer service representative at 252-972-1250 or
Meter Tampering
North Carolina General Statutes provides specific penalties for anyone tampering, altering, or otherwise interfering with the delivery of water to customers (G.S. 14-151). An initial violation of this section is classified as a Class 1 misdemeanor. Second and subsequent violations are classified as a Class H felony. Violations resulting in significant property damage or public endangerment are a Class F felony. If the action results in death and is not covered under some other provision of law providing a greater punishment, it is a Class D felony.
Anyone found to have violated any provision of this law shall be liable for triple the amount of losses and damages sustained or five thousand ($5,000) whichever is greater.