Utility Assistance Programs (UAP)
Our Mission
To provide a positive customer experience bringing together citizens in crisis, beneficial financial/educational resources, and trusted community partners.
Our Vision
To build a culture of excellence by developing a pathway to self-sufficiency for our customers sustained through energy awareness and financial literacy education.
It Starts Here
The first step in seeking assistance during your hardship is the completion of the Release of Information (ROI). This document gives the Customer Assistance Specialists permission to share your account balances and specific account information with our community partners to resolve the financial hardship.
The form can be completed and signed digitally here. A copy of a valid photo ID must be attached to the form.
UAP Components
Agency: Many local & faith based organizations offer financial assistance for utility customers who are at risk of having their utility services interrupted due to an unavoidable crisis.
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WARM: The Winter Assistance for Rocky Mount Program (WARM) assists low income 60 or older, disabled or recently laid off residential customers using electric or gas from the City of Rocky Mount as their primary source of heat. Water, wastewater, stormwater & refuse only accounts are not eligible.
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COVID-19 UAP: Provides a one-time emergency assistance payment up to $500 for City of Rocky Mount utility customers who have experienced a documented loss or reduction of income due to COVID-19.
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Crisis UAP: Program eligibility and details coming soon.