Veterans Memorial at Jack Laughery Park
The City of Rocky Mount worked with a citizen committee to develop plans for a veterans memorial on the site of the former Hardee's #1 at 321 North Church Street. The Rocky Mount Veterans Memorial at Jack Laughery Park is a lasting tribute to all who have served in the United States Armed Forces. The project is a joint effort of the City of Rocky Mount, local veterans, and friends of Jack Laughery.
The memorial includes a series of five stone columns, commemorating each branch of the armed forces. The park has a water feature, park benches, and flagpoles for the colors of our nation, state, and city. Customized lighting and thoughtful landscaping of plants and trees creates a meditative setting for visitors.
Residents now have the opportunity to contribute to the Rocky Mount Veterans Memorial at Jack Laughery Park. The park features customized bricks for the walkways. Individuals have the opportunity to personalize a brick to be included in the walkways. All contributions to the Veterans Memorial are tax deductible.
The City officially unveiled the memorial and park at a special dedication ceremony on Veterans Day, November 11, 2007. For more information on the memorial, please call 972-1151.

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